Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Woman's No Is No.

Woman's ‘no' is not ‘yes'
As man'd willingly assess.
It's not from her shyness
As man believes for himself.

The Lost Bliss

Taboo in sex removed'
Stigma in adultery ruined,
Consensual sex granted,
Man can get back his bliss

Practise Dispassion.

Vairagya means dispassion.
Turning the mind away
From the influence of, say,
Wealth, power and lust.

Hindsight Coloured

Hindsight serves a cue to foresight.
Insight takes it to a good sight.
Hindsight is generous or dismissive,
Depending upon one's motive in it.

Love Implicit

A man and a woman can be in love,
Emotionally or sensually,
Without letting it known to each other,
And drive sexual pleasure unembarrassed.

There Must Be People Around.

A lone couple in an island,
Well provided for livelihood,
Would not remain satiated
Unless they are with the people

The Exception

Knowledge is not bought with books bought.
Skills are not bought with lobour is hired.
Love is not bought with a spouse owned.
But care is bought with parents got.

Advice Can Have Minus Point.

The advice sought comes from one's knowledge
And ignorance as well, to bear.
Like a drug with a side effect.
Consider advice an option.

Wasteful Thinking

Remembering the dead one
On death anniversaries
Is a wasteful exercise.
To be remembered post death

Democracy Has Disappointed.

Obtaining the throne by birth right
Or attaining it by seniority
Are not ones for kings to beam with.
To distinguish themselves with fame

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