Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Be Beauty Conscious

Loosely plaited, you are homely.
Tightly plaited, you are tiny.
Without plait, if just thrown over
Behind, you are catchy.

Illiterate- Define

Illiterate is
Who does not know to read and write.
It is the second millennium.

Others Will Handle You.

What to be?

Be a rose or a thorn
As you please.

Honey Is To Taste

Honey is sweet to any one to taste
But its confinement, alas, is its fate.
Others, suited, are forbidden to taste.

The Fast Rusting

Hotter than fire she beams when away;
Warmer than water she runs when by;
Both ways she hassles me. Any way
I am hit to rust, that I would enjoy.

Moisture, A Limiting Factor

I love you deeply in my heart.
I care for you way back.
You may not know my love
For I dare not let you know.

Matter Minus Force

But for she, there is no stimulus;
But for she, there is no intoxication;
But for she, can there be passion?
Without she, he is matter sans drive.

Innocence Is A Bliss

I wish I withheld my ignorance.
Then I would have retained my innocence,
That admitted less suspicion,
And less tension but more peace.


You stopped climbing
After certain height.
I thought that
It was due to fright.

The Suppressed Passion

Women, often, refuse to succumb
To the lust of their higher ups
Who are admirable though,
Not that they loathe their heroes

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