Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Sexual Thoughts To Die Last

Having lost the vigour to produce seeds,
Send out blossom and give out shoots and leaves,
With the stem turning senseless in due course,
A tree still feels the pulse of lust and life

Pleasure Comes With Strain

Attachments cause sufferings
As eating entails expulsion.
Dropping them for their residues
Is like shunning pleasure for strain..

The Sun Set Days

Siblings are your blood but not their spouses.
The offspring is your blood but not its spouse.
Getting supports from the blood relations
Is not digested by their better-halves.

To Have Sex Is A Right

Right to have sex is like right to have food.
Marriage shackles and age limits curtail.
Be no harassment to consensual love.
Be no prosecution to consensual sex


Qualifications give me a license
To treat that I know more than what I know
And give others a notion about me
That I know more than I truly know.

The Strength Of The Revolutionaries

On a strong note, scents spurt from flowers.
They spread, grow weak and dissolve in the air.
On a strong note, revolutionaries rise.
They rush, turn mild and merge with the main stream.

Love Can Be Kept Sweet.

Love between man and woman turns sour
Because man expects more than she offered.
She is strained and he, disappointed.
Not over stepping man keeps his love sweet.

The Greatest Wisdom

The rich food, once eaten, will be out.
The desire, once met, will be lost.
The great fun, once had, will be gone.
I stopped giving any value to them.

Human Race Will Shrink.

No love for parents, they are in homes.
No love for family, living-in is preferred.
Children a burden, contraseptives are used.
Human race will shrink; man is the cause.

Sexual Stimulants

Fruits make you sexy, with the skin in glow.
Sports make you sexy, with a toned body.
Love makes you sexy, with hormones in spate.
Their stimulants are ones in opposite sex.

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