Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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The Drive To Please

I stole wares with which to please mother.
I got bribes with which to please my wife.
I corned cash with which to please my kids.
I begged gifts with which to please my grandkids.

No Alarm!

Friendships across the gender
Among colleagues have come to stay.
Sexual overtone is not ruled out.
It is only a monotony killer.

The Level Of Confidence

When I play in his house,
He makes decisions.
When he plays in my house,
I make decisions.

To Be Seen What Your Are Now

Having grown from the mole to a mountain,
You'll be seen as the mole by the people
Who have known you since you being a mole.
Be with others to be seen as a mountain.

Humans Move From Being Bisexual.

Artificial sperms have arrived.
Synthetic eggs are on the way.
A child can come out of DNA
Of the concerned individuals.


‘Sadism and masochism'
Is a renewed sexual game,
Found an outlet to release
The stress built up during the day.


A man speaks for women;
A lord speaks for the poor.
A Hindu quotes from the Bible.
They carry out these acts,

The Language

Language is no bar to music;
It is to dance and sports as well.
Absolutely no bar to sex;
Yet language brings out emotion.

The Revelations

Cancer and heart attacks are not more now.
Diagnoses of them are on a large scale.
Incest relations are not more now.
The shame shed, revealations are more.

What, If Already Read?

Many men had read her, I know.
For me she was fresh to read.
She neither disappointed me
Nor was disappointed by me.

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