Robert Anderson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Captain’s Lady

``Lassie wi' the coal--black locks,
Wilt thou be a captain's lady?
Quat bare mountains, glens, and flocks,

The Capture Of The Chesapeake

Columbia's vain sons, long deluded by France,
Have dar'd to the conflict the lords of the main;
Britannia, insulted, cried, 'Warriors advance!

The Castle Builder

``I'll build a high house, on this hill, says old Grub,
Where house never stood before;
A man like Goliah shall stand at my gate,

The Clay Daubin

We went owre to Deavie' Clay Daubin,
And faith a rare caper we had,
Wi' eatin, and drinkin, and dancin,

The Cocker O’ Codbeck

There was ill gusty Jemmy, the cocker of Codbeck,
He follow'd blin Leethet 'lass years twee or three;

The Cottage Girl

On the brow of a hill where the stream gurgles down,
With a church within sight stands my cottage of clay;

The Cumberland Farmer

I've thought and I've thought, agean and agean,
Sin I was peat--heet, now I see it quite plain,
That farmers are happier far, tho' we're peer,

The Dawtie

``Tho' weel I leyke ye, Jwohnny lad,
I cannot, munnet marry yet!
My peer auld mudder's unco bad,

The Days That Are Geane

Now, weyfe, sin the day--leet hes left us,
And drizzly sleet's 'ginnin to fa',
Let's creep owre the heartsome turf ingle,

Enigma The Third

Reader, not in pompous verse I sing,
Nor with the Sons of Genius hope to vie;
Ne'er have I drank at the Castalian spring,

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