robert delucchi

robert delucchi Poems


My days are spent
Sitting, watching, waiting


And so it was
All things that are

Mother Nature’s Song

Tall stands the pine
proud and free

Dulce et decorum est...............
Pro patria mori

You praise the dead hero

Nuclear Sunrise

Stunned silence from the crowd
As the news reader screams out loud



Just look through the


And so the sparrow falls

I wrote this one about 25 years ago and found it recently in a things change

The Best Poem Of robert delucchi

Lost Love


My days are spent
Sitting, watching, waiting
Suspended in time and space
Like a dandelion seed
Bobbing, drifting, blowing
Through the endlessness of time
Knowing that time washes
From the heart
The stain of pain
Like the timeless
Motion of the ocean
Pounding, crashing, caressing
The wind swept shore

Then comes sleep
Restful peaceful sleep
I find cool comfort
In the linen slips
It removes the hurt for awhile

Then the awakening
The awareness and numbness
The pain still foremost in my being
Thoughts flash heart aches
The longing for
And the knowing
The not sharing anymore
Our dreams of tomorrow
Are all gone
Yet life as they all say
Must carry on

Then as a breath that gently
Caresses a candles flame
And puts it out in whisper
So the pain leaves
Leaves me warm and glowing
Glowing with the knowing
That I have not lost
But gained
From the love that we had................

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