Robert Edgar Burns Poems

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Send In The Clowns

In the beginning of our empire
The tax rates were very low.
Revenue was very great.
History books now tell us so.

Say It Three Times, Fast!

Assembling a disassembled assembly line has
always been to invite production of the potentiality
of assembling a productive product pertaining to the
producing of positive results.

Roll On River

The Tennessee River named the 'Whirl And Suck.'
It will pull you under if you run out of luck.
It's raging waters will take you down stream.
But don't try it upstream for it's very mean.


Since the dawning of time a call from all youth
Seeking to know just 'What is the truth? '
While blossoming well before I reached my teens,
This question was always on my mind it now seems.

Heaven's Shaking

The powers in the heavens will be shaking.
The stars shall fall into the sea.
A battle will soon be raging,
On our way to victory.

Goodbye To A Part Of Me

We haven't made love in fifteen years,
And yet that's not exactly true.
I am still enamored by her feminine charms,
And she likes masculine things I do.

Do It Over

Have you ever heard this said before?
'I'd do it different if I could.
If I could do things over again,
I'd change my life, oh yes I would.'

A Matter Of?

It's a matter of fact
You can't fall off of the earth.
It's a matter of shape
For something of girth.

How Long?

(Part one of a two part collaborative
write with poet Emystar)

I will love you oh my darling

Anti Intellectual

Have you ever heard about people
Who point shotguns at UFO's?
How brilliant those folks are you say,
So sit back and watch the show!

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