Truth Poem by Robert Edgar Burns


Since the dawning of time a call from all youth
Seeking to know just 'What is the truth? '
While blossoming well before I reached my teens,
This question was always on my mind it now seems.

My father told me "Son here today
I will help you to seek and find truth in my way."
"The answers to the question you are trying to find,
May this answer be always within your mind."

'See that fence that keeps our milk cows in? '
'It could also keep those stray bulls out.'
'Go ahead and straddle it up to the top.'
'I will tell you then what this is about.'

'Now which side you step off of here today,
Remembering in truth there are two ways.'
'But you can occupy only one of them,
At any given time, doesn't matter when.'

'You are either inside or completely out.'
'It is totally up to you during rain or drought.'
'But you can never have it both ways.'
'And therein son lies new truth today.

'I have found all truth within the scriptures.'
'There is only one way to be spiritually richer.'
'You must seek it out with an open heart,
And once it comes to you it will never depart! "

'Can we reason together my precious son? "
"Would the Lord who died for everyone,
Leave His Word a mass of utter confusion? "
He wants us with Him, not reading delusions! '

'If plain sense makes good sense to you today,
Don't let anyone or anything ever make you sway.'
'Never believe the nonsense that there are many ways"
"Now son may you learn this truth, Let's pray! '

John 14: 6 And Jesus said unto them, 'I am the way, the
truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me.'

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