Robert Plese

Robert Plese Poems


May you be blessed by some part of how I left you.
May the memory of us,

You is I, who?
Who is I? You?
You is who?
I is You!

What on earth could a bunny be mad about?
A cluttered mess in a room to bink about!
What on earth could a bunny find interesting?
A veggie platter or a crumpled shirt!

Praise de lord - - -
Hear I aaaaaaaaaaaam,

Praise de lord - - -


Rebel with a cause,

Rebel without a voice

Sour puss,
Sour puss,
Suck on that lime.
Steal every dream

When the drought in life fades into a dry arid desert.

Oh drought, give to me a thirst for production and not despair. A belief that some Phoenix might rise from the ashes of my uneasy mind and sublimate these energies for the good of those who will not accept that beast rattling his chains.

living creature

Inside me.

Time is a valuable thing to chase.
As valuable as the vacuum of outer-space.
Sucking wind, in a formula-1 race,
Full speed ahead.

I walk with no greater truth
then 2 B that

Align with the meanness in a person,
Align with the strongness in a person,
Align with the considerateness in a person.

My mind
and soul,
give rise.
To sights

For evaaaah
Is nevaaaah
When you aight

Ugh, I am hungry!
Look at the flies buzzing
around my head
as it bakes in the summer sun.

The Best Poem Of Robert Plese

To All That I Meet


May you be blessed by some part of how I left you.
May the memory of us,
only remind you of the potential of who you might be,
if only you could show others
your true self
and with self-compassion.

May you come to trust yourself as a person with a brain
that is capable of handling
it all.
May you come to hold yourself in esteem
as someone worthy of
And Trust.

And with this new found trust in self
with others,
may you extend that trust
May you find yourself in places
where you can make
others feel worthy
of love,
and compassion.

May you become a world changer,
weaving only
words that edify
and help others to find themselves
capable of sitting
with their true self,
body, ,
and mind.

Thank-you for showing me
how to fear
and be afraid.
How to hurt
and not cover up.
for showing me
How to sit in stillness
with your despair.
And let discover
your own roadmap
to peace.

Thank-you for being you.

Hope comes at a crossroad with fear.
Welcome whatever is there set before you
in your path.
You need not be religious about it,
but you do need to embrace it.
What is there.
The fullness of your unknown.

Love yourself,
and love others.
See what you can do by
challenging your awareness
to adjust in focus.
Make that your religion,
and don't be afraid to fail and to grow.

Love is not your enemy.

Fear is.

And though
it can win sometimes,

let that not be the story you choose.

Well wishes!


Robert Plese Comments

Robert Plese Quotes

Draw a circle, impose a line. When do men not project their deficiencies?

Your purpose in life is the pursuit of a predictable rhythm. Your purpose is Know.

Humility is a dish best eaten convincingly.

My win or loss only hurts the one who cares.

Look upon the horror, of those who would fight another, for a piece of the prize that is given them, by men who would be their masters. Lest we forget! !

It is ironically unwise, to be wise and still make no impact.

Predictability is consistently the place we suckle to for our warmth.

That's the problem with competitiveness, you run over the one's that no longer are.

happiness = reality / expectations. At least that's what my textbook says.

The circle is the most perplexing of shapes. Draw a circle and impose a line.

To each of us, no greater rhythm has ever been given then that of the one in the womb!

There is only 1, the rest are all descriptors.

The one that is most correct is the one that can best incorporate both conclusions.

An Anarchist is really an individual who does not base his creed on any authority.

All political groups hold one thing in common; they all embrace a philosophical stance because of the authority they esteem in the Author/'s.

It's ironic that the one thing that unites us - attempts to free the world from suffering - is at that same time the one thing that divides us.

Liberty, defined as the freedom to do what you wish to yourself is flawed. One's actions usually will violate others in some way. Therefore it is not liberty that we desire, but control.

Consider for a moment! Knowledge requires experience. Experience requires non-restraint. Non-restraint requires non-governance. Non-governance requires lawlessness............. Thus lawlessness affords knowledge.

Pathos elicits empathy, and at some point turns to misery! At what point does it become contemptible to dwell in the realm of the pathetic?

Validating our thought life through the reference of authority is by its very nature, insecure. Therefore, you can identify the insecure by the efforts s/he makes in establishing that authority.

Reflexive is the style of the inconsiderate; calculated the way of the cultured. Evolution has brought us to this place, yet we fear what it has determined us to be!

If it smells like a Pretender and acts like a Pretender, it obviously didn't believe the consequences were severe enough for it to convince you otherwise.

I have discovered something noteworthy regarding the nature of communication. "The measure of grievance we direct at others, result from the variance between the information we predict about a future event and the degree of violation we experience from feeling misinformed."

Ideologies cannot survive without command over resources. Therefore, I propose that resources (people, food, money) are more influential then ideas!

Sometimes a penis is really just a cacophemism for *power. Why else would antisemitism be so rampant in the world today? Surely Freud would have interposed 'circumcision' into his famed 'penis envy' had he meant it to be taken in the literal sense.

What a beautiful day subsidence and the movement of clouds have blessed us with. Thank-you uneven heating distribution for precipitating my great-fullness.

Discontentment is a clue, that an organism is in opposition-to and at war with the determining forces of nature. Therefore, it should come as no great surprise that our contrived concepts of a governed morality and the promises made hereafter, may feel as a prison to the freedom seeking mind; and that our contentment or discontentment would determine it's measure.

Imitation - to remain an act - must be observed as imperfect by its very definition. Otherwise it would cease to remain imitation. Art then, ought to be judged by its intended imperfections rather than by its approximations toward perfection.

Having a defense is evidence that you mistrust the effectiveness of your offense. Be and let be.

When privacy decreases and predictability increases, civility is what is left when judgment has been passed.

4.20 - I wish harm be reduced upon you; and that informed choice be provided!

If you agree, post and pass it along.'Abusus non tollit usum.' [Abuse is no argument against proper use.] Latin Proverb

How crucial it is to define yourself malleable as opposed to fixed! I imagine the Colorado shooter to have been measured and found himself lacking (exactly what a neuroscientist would believe) .

Dark humor. 'You know, the birds don't stop singing when they witness you murder someone.'

In the world of children, most adults are sociopaths!

I don't think you have the confidence in self to steal from others; that which is appropriately theirs!

Propaganda = the attempt to convince people that their ill-informed prejudice about a group is not worth the effort to reconsider.

If some people have telepathic or psychic powers, then how are we to make sense of their in tact larynx formation?

God is a secure construct in which the ego is housed. Projective Identification in Nature. God is Natural Law embodied with the anthropomorphized projective identification of man's ego! God is ego once removed!

And I would like to thank all the turkeys who have given up their bodies so peacefully, as a mass sacrifice for our feast of thankfulness... ..And also thank the natives for helping the pilgrims out in a similar way, so we can celebrate this harvest ritual! !

Association does not prove affiliation, perception seems to do that all on its own.

Course correct until the wind is in your sail.

Nothing changes, for the perceiver if he remains unchanged.

I just can't help thinking, we must be the myelin sheath to every extroverts discharge!

It's 10 am Sunday and the Preacher's bench isn't even being monopolized by any self-righteous pricks.

The branches will always fight with each other. And therefore also so will the trees. The union is always breakable at the point of attachment.

Survival is the only form of courage. Even if a society wishes to spin sacrifice under the same banner. The wise however, know to stay hidden from the lynch mob.

Confidence Is at the root of hypnotherapy As some don't hold a clear definition On the scripts they wish to follow

How does one become so impassioned about people, Unless they are possessions worth not letting go? ?

Why would a dog Run away from anyone Who would be its safe haven?

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