Robert Tannahill Poems

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(our Veterans) An Observation And Thought

We once were many and now we are few.
As strands of our graying heads thin and fall to the ground,
So passes the veterans, "our comrades."
Home to their appointed destiny.

And Were Ye At Duntocher Burn

And were ye at Duntocher burn,
And did ye see them a', man?
And how's my wifie and the bairns?
I hae been lang awa', man.

Friendship Remembrance

Life would be lonely without them.
Where would we be without our friends?
They enrich our lives beyond measure.
And are far more valued than gold or treasure.


I dream, do you?
It's the natural thing to do.
Dreams have not limits, there's wrongs and rights,
You can live a lifetime in the short hours of the nights.

The Braes O' Gleniffer

Keen blaws the wind o'er the Braes o' Gleniffer.
The auld castle's turrets are cover'd wi' snaw;
How chang'd frae the time when I met wi' my lover

The Irish Farmer

Dear Judy, when first we got married
Our fortune indeed was but small,
For save the light hearts that we carried,
Our riches were nothing at all.

By Definition -- A Sweetheart Is --

A person with whom one is in love,
That love two sweethearts share.
A deep and tender feeling of devotion, comfort, and care.
A someone to take and to give,

Jordan's Hug-A-Bug

I have my little hug-a bug, a friend no one can see,
And everywhere I go, it comes along with me.
Its home is in my pockets, a front one or a back,
Sometimes I can't find it, it's a needle in a haystack.

The Five Friends

Weel, wha's in the bouroch,
And what is your cheer?
The best that ye'll find
In a thousand year;

The Braes O' Balquhither

Let us go, lassie, go,
To the braes o' Balquhither,
Where the blae-berries grow
'Mang the bonny Highland heather;

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