Romeo Della Valle Poems

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A Love's Addiction

To your love,
You really got me addicted,
Like I never predicted...
I thought it was a blessing from above,

A Destiny's Highway

Since from your life,
I stubbornly departed,
Your craggy face,
Was perennially creased

Earth's Day!

Today we celebrate Earth's Day
With plenty of joy and great concerns
For this great creation
By the Mighty One above

A Living Fantasy

Awaiting patiently
For a new sunrise to arrive
With my heart already healed
And my mind at peace,

Holy Woman!

Quietly sitting
In my chamber of solitude,
Old memories from my mind retrieving
And coping with a sadness of great magnitude...

Pride In New York City

How could I ever return
When leaving put the past behind me?
Some kinds of love I have no use for,
It would be like searching

A Poem Of Hope

I can't possibly erase you from my past
But it has become a clear fact,
That you are absolutely absent
In my now optimistic present...

Secret Of Your Smiles

Whenever you smile
A volcano of joy is stamped on your face,
True feelings of love, suddenly surface
Which can be seen as far as a mile...

Where Are You?

Where are you my love?
Hiding behind the Moon
Or perhaps you are
Hiding in the very bottom

A Creative Mind

The solid foundation of an ideal
Is the equivalent to the depth
Of the mind and the hands
Which design destiny...

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