Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon Poems

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To My Husband On Our Wedding-Day

I leave for thee, beloved one,
The home and friends of youth,
Trusting my hopes, my happiness,
Unto thy love and truth;

Autumn Winds

“Oh! Autumn winds, what means this plaintive wailing
Around the quiet homestead where we dwell?
Whence come ye, say, and what the story mournful

Our Saviour And The Samaritan Woman At The Well

Close beside the crystal waters of Jacob’s far-famed well,
Whose dewy coolness gratefully upon the parched air fell,

Cornelia’s Jewels

Among the haughtiest of her sex, in noble, quiet pride,
Cornelia stood, with mien that seemed their folly vain to chide:

An Autumn Evening At Murray Bay

Darkly falls the autumn twilight, rustles by the crisp leaf sere,
Sadly wail the lonely night-winds, sweeping sea-ward, chill and drear,

A Boy’s Hopes

Dear mother, dry those flowing tears,
They grieve me much to see;
And calm, oh! calm thine anxious fears—
What dost thou dread for me?

A Child’s Treasures

Thou art home at last, my darling one,
Flushed and tired with thy play,
From morning dawn until setting sun
Hast thou been at sport away;

An Afternoon In July

How hushed and still are earth and air,
How languid ’neath the sun’s fierce ray—
Drooping and faint—the flowrets fair,

Charles Vii And Joan Of Arc At Rheims

A glorious pageant filled the church of the proud old city of Rheims,
One such as poet artists choose to form their loftiest themes:

A Canadian Summer Evening

The rose-tints have faded from out of the West,
From the Mountain’s high peak, from the river’s broad breast.

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