Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon Poems

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Other harvests there are than those that lie
Glowing and ripe ’neath an autumn sky,
Awaiting the sickle keen,

Hon. James B. Clay

Another pang for Southern hearts,
That of late so oft have bled,
Another name to add to the roll
Of their mighty, patriot dead;

Our Mountain Cemetery

Lonely and silent and calm it lies
’Neath rosy dawn or midnight skies;
So densely peopled, yet so still,

The Final Reckoning

’Twas a wild and stormy sunset, changing tints of lurid red
Flooded mountain top and valley and the low clouds overhead;

Our Canadian Woods In Early Autumn

I have passed the day ’mid the forest gay,
In its gorgeous autumn dyes,
Its tints as bright and as fair to the sight

Rich And Poor

’Neath the radiance faint of the starlit sky
The gleaming snow-drifts lay wide and high;
O’er hill and dell stretched a mantle white,

Sea-Shore Musings

How oft I’ve longed to gaze on thee,
Thou proud and mighty deep!
Thy vast horizon, boundless, free,
Thy coast so rude and steep;

Red Rock Camp

My simple story is of those times ere the magic power of steam
First whirled the traveller o’er the plains with the swiftness of a dream,

My Thoughts To-Night

I sit by the fire musing,
With sad and downcast eye,
And my laden breast gives utt’rance
To many a weary sigh;

Mystical Rose, Pray For Us!

O aptly named, Illustrious One!
Thou art that flower fair
That filled this vast and changeful world
With mystic perfume rare—

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