RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Naming Emotions

Naming emotions as they grow and crop up out of nowhere.
Never solicited nor wanted, yet they are always there
beckoning me to explore and learn who they are.

Rubbing Desires

Rubbing our desires on bedposts in life,
knowing they'll never be fully satisfied
while alive, yet we strive for just that,
hoping we will make it with very little

Retroactive Thoughts

Listening to rhetoric pouring from somewhere within my mind,
beckoning me to enter into a voyage particular to intellect
and capability.

Melting My Mind

Battling between lines of coercion and rhyme,
making decisions to melt my mind - at least half-way in time.

Fortunate aspects of integrity split and produce clone-like

Tranquilizing Emotions

Looking good, being in good standing, forging ahead with creative ideas forming and gelling within my head.
Bringing fireworks to bear as thoughts blast and fall constantly
without faltering or sidestepping any issue brought before it.
Tranquilizing emotions so I can slow them down and interpret

Alluring Senses

Reaching forward,
touching something in my mind, awakening,
stirring it's appearance into frothy acquiescence.

Trying To Bring Sense

Whiling away tons of sentences,
trying to bring some sense to living.

Never really finding anything lasting

Unquenched Sadness

Contributing genuine happiness to an interior
filled with grief, hoping some of it will be
kept as part of being who I am.
Through the ages though, it settles into an

Searching For An Explanation

Ever increasing emotions flow and
drown me in their everlasting grasp,
giving no respite in life.

Reflecting Designs

Created designs reflect themselves into my imagination.
Flipping images in and out of mind, settling on inner
screens of other dimensions.
Believing they'll eventually become a part of eternity's

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