RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Old Age

Gnarled and worn together, hands stood out upon the arms.

Wrinkled and wearing apart the skin slid down upon bones
of his eerie skeleton.

Birth, The Hours Of Life

Endless are hours of life, tucked between years
of sacrifice, branched out into all facets of
the universe, spent on exaggerating truths.

A Poor Being

Having nothing, barely existing, wanting to buy even just one
little outfit for our soon to be granddaughter, but we don't
have any money, not even for the dollar store.

Slow Preparation

Sprinkling dawn of life throughout the world like a priest
blessing his congregation with holy water.

Lighting our ways, allowing independent growth, watching

Human Plight

Lively as a still wind, faith sits waiting at home's hearth,
searching the land for someone who cares, seeing within
hearts, cold uncaring.

Dealing With Life Alone

Stranded, at a loss, left alone to deal with life, forgetting
what it feels like to be loved one minute for oneself.

Logically looking forward to dying a final death, realizing

Empty Words Of Wisdom

Silvery cobwebs blowing gently in the wind, reminding one
of silent, binding threads of life.

Forging ahead, shoving any semblance of pride, withdrawing

Coverlet Of Darkness

Doors closing on hearts of sorrow, memories of past
experiences returning to remind us of horrible feelings.

Abandoned, rejected, of no consequence, life slowly

Knowledge Rests

How is lightening seen in the light of day? Is it brighter
than the light of the sun?

Can it's zig zag projections be seen clearly, is it seen in

Silent Winds

Inwardly walking paths of hell, being tormented with total

Outwardly, no one can tell of the pain and sorrow that has

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