RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Building Storm

Feeling a coldness, like ice come upon me.
Filling me with its essence,
taking me into it's folds of hard white crystals,
causing my teeth to chatter and body to shiver.

Pushing Flying Shadows

Flying shadows being pushed and shoved through the air,
daring any of them to protest.
Waving away every bit of leaves, shattering them into
the pool as they're yanked off of trees where they were

Transporting Fibers Of Life

Going deeper into inner space, finding emotions waiting
there, wanting to be expressed in no uncertain terms.

Taking steps forward, letting me feel their stubborn

Emotional Turbulence

Flooding interiorly with an ocean of tidal waves,
pushing and knocking me down forcefully.
Wanting to be explored and met through channels
of emotional turbulence, not taking no as an answer.

Imaginary Ground

Owl eyes staring out at me from inside a picture
hanging on the wall, awaiting people to admire it's
artistic grace.

Artistic Epiphanies

Music is a driving force, set in since childhood,
leading me toward many epiphanies in an artistic
world of grace.
Thoughtfully ruminating over edges of existence,

Harrah's Wall Art

Angles and patterns of light falling like water in a
picture formed from the interior of an artist's mind.
Having an idea, putting it to canvas and apportioning it in
just the right slant and position to show off the artistic

Anger Evaporating

Sitting in the quiet repository of unallowable disturbance,
gathering information and possible figures of knowledge
without the ordinary process of actuality.

In Hididng

Mirrored back upon reflections, stirring images to appear
in fragmented pieces across the span of time.

A cloudy haze, swinging across visions, tantalized by

Sacred Thoughtfulness

Sacred thoughtfulness approaches contemplation on a higher

Living alone on a desert shore, creating wonderful visions

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