RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Intellectual Fun

Watching reflections walking across windows overlooking
beautiful natural landscapes right outside, gently slid-
ing back and forth across them in my mind.

Focusing On Intuitive Aspects

Realizing that everything seen, felt, sensed, takes me into
a poetical interior of scenery, focusing wholly on the in-
tuitive parts of my mind to bring it all together.

Watching Roses Within

Solidly and patiently finding solace of an interior beauty
that touches my mind and intellect so exquisitely, listen-
ing, making reality come to light.

Life Falling Like Drops Of Rain

Silent wonder penetrating deeply into mind and intellect,
causing it to rise, thoughts flowing interiorly from a
waterfall of ingenuity and curiosity.

Backward Glances

Backward glances looking upon the past, seeing memorable
times when all of family was younger, pure and innocent,
running, playing, climbing trees, jumping, catching jacks.

Listening To Speakers

Here at this Republican dinner, watching, listening to speak-
ers, talking about many issues pertaining to the election
and it's goings on.

Preserving Our Freedom

Recalling another election when I was a child of twelve, my
Dad working for Barry Goldwater, all six of us girls at the
time volunteering, stuffing envelopes, helping any way we could.

New Memory

Auctioneer now auctioning off many valuable prizes to those
sitting here listening, people making bids, raising their
hands, smiling when getting the highest bid on everything.

Believing Trump

Respecting and giving dignity to Republicans here in Phoenix,
Arizona, feeling a bond that was established by my own father
when he worked for Barry Goldwater way back when.

Believing Trump, Our President

Respecting and giving dignity to Republicans here in Phoenix,
Arizona, feeling a bond that was established by my own father
when he worked for Barry Goldwater way back when.

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