RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Hesitant Apprehension

Forsaken and lonely, waiting on death's doorstep for
a better world beyond.
Daydreaming of a life now past, looking to the future
with hesitant apprehension at times.

High School Boys

Standing in a place, empty, no one around waiting impatiently
for a bus that is way too late.

Noises suddenly occur behind and turning I see hordes of boys

Atmosphere Of Serenity

Traveling alone along life's shores, looking out towards
a vast beyond.

Feeling peace stir with every crashing wave, watching

Rosa Parks, My Hero

Looking about, noticing the crowd here at the MLK breakfast,
thinking we have come a long way since 1961.

Back then, moving to Arizona in December, we had to travel

Maturity's Circle

Growing older, maturity has grown full circle,
now it's seen as an arc with a beginning and
end, life having been lived in the middle.

Walls Of Grief

In between grief and grieving right now.

Afraid to share the past burden of it
because I know there will soon be a fresh

Falling Roses

Pain Comes In All Forms

Yes, pain does come in all forms, loss, having cancer,
being bullied, not being loved in return, others put-
ting you down or looking down on you.

Open And Forgiving Poet

Sincerely taking life into my heart, as it touches my mind,
forgiving and solidifying total meanings of propriety.

Flowing gently into nighttime darkness, being led only by

Leaving Earth In Darkness

Listening from right to left at rhythms combining themselves
in this mind, enlivening spirits whenever saddened by plights
in life.

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