RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Beauty Of Reality

Softly tiptoeing through gardens of blossoming thoughts,
enjoying their beauty and essence, touching me interiorly.

Loving the solace of every image, reaching out and tapping

Forming Concrete Designs

Mornings of this year are forming concrete designs in mind,
formulating many numbers, taking their places in imagination.

Bringing a tabulation of every idea shaping itself in the

Forming Advantages

Feverishly writing and keeping abreast of advantages being
formed in intellect.

Spreading mathematical coordinates into abstractions,

Feeling Insistence

Remembering thoughts as they gather and collect in recesses
of this mind, locating many desires that fill me amply with
so many ideas.

Waiting Promises

Watching dry, brown leaves lying upon concrete,
not moving or stirring at all, dead upon the
ground, when just yesterday they were living
and breathing on their own.

Bluened Reasons

Jumbling and rocking thoughts to incessant interior rhythms,
watching the beauty of life opening up like blossoms of a
million roses.

Walkways Of My Mind

Beginning exercises are lifting me into new heights of life
where I can solve my identity and release the old ways.

Wanting to be explored and met, never to let go of inner

Completely Giving Self

Watching melodies come and play in my mind, taking me back
into the past where remembering is kept.

So ultimately complete, giving solace through this amazing

Standing On A New Path

Finding self, sketching a new me, in behaviors of interior
attitudes, changing so creatively and beautifully.

Sending self into depths of new love and climbing ivy walls

Timeless Horizons

Signing the outcome of life, sitting on a horizon of another
time, listening to rhythms of ocean tides, watching days come
and go before me.

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