RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Countering Impossibilities

Gathering particles and fibers of being, allowing them
each to grow in their own times, flowering in interior
universes, their scents filling this mind with wonderful

Playfully Entering Imagination

Incessantly thinking and writing in an atmosphere above
this earth.

Playfully entering imagination, taking it by the hand

Focusing Words Of Ability

Reaching into heaven, being scorched by rays of a hot, hot
sun, yet doing it anyway.

Focusing and touching words of ability, taking out every

Ability Rising Higher

Playing in my mind, taking a.22 in hand and shooting
it straight, hitting the bull's eye every single time.

Interior representation of my mind showing the reality

Watching Thoughts Dive

Sitting here, not even trying, writing this book of poetry
from an empty mind.

Watching thoughts dive over the edge, falling with beauty-

Intellect Transforms

Solitary thoughts float aimlessly into the atmosphere
where my mind captures and places them abundantly in
many poems.

Parting The Overgrowth

Registering in depths of imagination, taking routes that
are overgrown from disuse through the years of neglect.

Walking along, parting the overgrowth, gently choosing

Enjoying Creating

Singing songs interiorly, listening to their rhythms with
great interest.

Taking each and transposing them into poems, fresh and

Memories Of Things

Time slipping away so fast that I cannot catch hold
of any part of it.

Just watching it in the future while looking back,

Bits And Pieces Of Life

Stillness coming upon me with quiet interpretations of an
interior intellect.

Collecting bits and pieces of life, entering them all into

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