RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Rhythmical Dances Of Brain Waves, Neurons And Synapses

Looking around, searching for unusual details that somehow are
always missed by people who see, but yet are blind to the world
around them.

Never-Ending Feeling Of Energy And Pleasure

Music rising within this mind, much like that of the sun
rising over the horizon each morning, bringing feelings
of peace and tranquility soothingly throughout this being.

Music Being A Will To Survive

Music wrapping itself around mind and intellect, giving
this being a will to survive.

Going through one difficulty after another, pain spread-

Life Is A Dream We Keep Chasing

Life is a dream that we keep chasing, hoping for a better
life in the future.

At times realizing that it doesn't always work out, but

Giving Moments Their Own Type Of Life

Jogging up and down to rhythms of fantasy that are being
spread around the restaurant, touching mind and intellect
with many tell-tale hints of another great night.

Watching Reflections Dance

Watching reflections as they dance upon the floor,
letting their minds turn towards shadows of people.

On the dance floor, doing the Arizona two-step and

Alone In God's Country

Riding and raising to the delight of music and rhythm
as they gallop alongside without ever interrupting any-
thing traveling about the desert.

A Cherished Privacy

Living in an empty loneliness as it holds on for dear life,
wanting to be filled with love throughout the years.

Resonating along measures of chords, keeping time with the

Rhythms Wrapping Themselves Around Poetical Beings

Rhythms feeling good as they wrap themselves around poetical
beings, feeling the goodness standing around, waiting its
time to join in.

Life - Giving Surprises

Being given feelings of love, caring and joy, God
taking this poet's heart and hand throughout this

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