RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Intuitive Insights

Walking deeply into intuitive insights that have always
been seen in visions throughout the years, a beautiful
testament to an artistic and poetical life.

Tracking Moments

Sound and whirr of the engine as it rounds every bend
in the road of life, tracking all moments that have
been lived through.

Time Running Around Clock Faces

Guitars wailing into the night, as time runs around
the face of a clock, traipsing through measures of

Searching Echoes

Traveling around, head in the clouds, mind reaching
for the stars above, wanting something different
than all the times before in corridors of a lifetime.

Runways Of Heavenly Abodes

Jumping joyously in the darkness, instruments playing
to this interior spirit, lifting it into runways of
heavenly abodes.

Sidewalks Of Life

Writing throughout this night, atmosphere turned into a
midnight canopy in order to capture the beauty that dares
not alight upon the surface of this earth during daylight.

Fiddling Music

Music being fiddled on a violin, taking us into the sky
above country roads, never tiring of the natural scenery
as we travel beyond it.

Rhythms Refusing To Stop

Rhythms running over landscapes, trying to keep up with
rhythms that just refuse to stop, wanting to continue
to race all the way through this life.

Drumming Never Retreating

Drumming, letting beats go up and down, never retreating,
going faster than ever, wanting to find the essence of
desires and passion.

Promises Of Young Love

Being together, bound by music and its rhythms,
all of them tied to true and unconditional love
of others.

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