RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Separating Self

Suggestions abounding, coming from all directions,
people not minding their own business, just inter
fering in other's lives.

Intense Images Through Senses

Awakening every sense of being, delivering intense images,
feelings and emotions throughout intellect, a wonderful,
quiet soothing picture of another life.

Inner Changes

Rapping rhythms now bouncing along measures of this
poetical mind, waking ideas so they can be revitalized
and brought to bear in poetry.

Alleviating Pain

Walking in time to musical rhythms, listening to their
intensive sounds and tones as they ease and alleviate
physical pain constantly while writing.

Ethereal Passion

Gently like waves rising and falling silently,
foam splashing about as they crash upon sandy
shores of thoughts.

Images Waving

Eerily, notes of a piano play within intellect, reminding
of past visions that have been seen, images waving, let-
ting me know that I can be seen beyond the misty curtains
of death.

One Life Only

Picking melodies that are lying around, smiling, enjoying
attention being given to them, blessings abounding, watch-
ing as life attains it's fruition.

Cooking Up Passion

Rhyming to an interior clock of music's rhythms, noting to
ever interfere with poetry falling out onto paper so sub-
liminally, and silently.

Flavors Of Death

Floating above still pictures of the ocean as waves
continue to rise and fall with the elation of all
emotions being stirred from within.

Solitary Achievement

Rhapsody of life being played so intensely,
yet gently, taking this mind into vibrant

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