RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Wanting To Cuddle

Heart being pulled in different directions, emotions being
lit, desires sparking intensely and deeply within.

Wanting to be held and closely loved, wanting nothing more

Cupboards Of Memory

Lying back, just reaching into thoughts, spreading them
about, trying out their premises in many different cir-
cumstances and situations.

Interiorly Relaxing

Living in a world of beauty, tranquilized by nature and
it's essence.

Relaxing interiorly, just watching videos play across

Keeping Close

Believing held within, a genuine and true faith, seeds
planted at birth by God, Himself.

Never turning from Him, keeping close always, never

Not Wanting To Be Captured

Running through many avenues of present life, watching as
the past zips by, time flying way too quickly.

Similar events and happenings occurring even now, being

Unsettled Peace

Crossing oceans of sorrow, holding onto memories that have
caused them, not wanting to let go, because in fact, they
are bittersweet to this forsaken little heart of a mere

Lifetime Story

Writing everlastingly into many sunsets, finding my way
through volumes of poetry along the way.

Beautiful landscapes opening up as I pass through imag-

Securing Perfect Harmony

Silent, uncooperative, finalizing fibers of this life,
tying them together to exist until finishing what I have
started to do for all mankind.

Giving A Change Of Heart

Seriousness sitting still and quiet inside this timid mind,
many moments stirring at once, giving a change of heart as
rhythms rearrange themselves.

Wisdom Of Inner Waterfalls

Stepping quietly and steadily into vibrations of a plethora
of rhythms.

Singly handling tones and notes on many instruments, playing

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