RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Life's Hidden Agendas

Curiously wondering at trials of life's hidden
agenda's, thinking ahead without a vision.
Stepping on other's, scrunching them into another
existence so progress can deal it's heavy blows.

Awakening Mind

Saturated beyond belief, facets of life crumple and
dive headlong into imaginations's quiet respite.
Longingly skating across and through memories,
waking senses long since deadened.

Aphid - Like Life

Aphid-like, sorting out which way to go, taking off
on wings of freedom, nothing standing in the way.
To live life this way would be a glorious situation,
one which is simple and didactic, worthy of interior

Difficult Moment

Waiting an eternity for just one moment in time is
difficult, but never minded as it's memory continues
to help us progress through time to our next awaited

D's. Ranch

Peaceful quiet, stretching across a vast desert
A quaint ranch hidden within, following days of
old by becoming, all on it's desolate own.

Fanning Rhythms

Fanning rhythms in succession, giving them a breath of fresh air as they sing from a voice, sitting and enjoying karaoke night.
All eyes upon her, listening carefully, knowing that their turns will be coming up soon.

Inner Mysteries

Strings holding thoughts, tying them down to earth to keep them from floating away into depths of the universe or outer space.
Catching every phrase as it falls into my mind, illuminating the clues needed to explain the mysteries of an inner environment.

Patsy Cline

Sensing someone beyond sight as a song is being sung from when she was still living on earth, herself.
Quiet intensity holding my mind as I remember the exacting perfect pitch she used to sing in.
A woman remaining in memory for being crazy loving you.

Exploring Nature

Children gathered in an automatic circle, looking down,
examining a baby cricket.
Exclaiming how little and cute it is - taking care and
finding food for it to eat.

Higher Visions

Nature dreaming visions into versions of longtime
family events.

Searching through storehouses of interior imagination

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