RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Life Coming Together

Life delivering many blows from behind, tearing apart
our well-being at times, having an interior strength
that helps to get through hardship, suffering and

Living In Emptiness

Living in an emptiness caused by the frailty of being
human, not knowing how to combat it at times, existing
in chaos, turmoil and stress.

Pattern Of Non - Existence

Thoughts trickling downstream lazily, never thinking of
anything but where they're headed, alone and unaccustom-
ed to having company along the way.

Tombstone Without A Name

Lurking behind darkened corners are shadows of doubt and
fear from the unknown, never daring to step up or out of

Reflections Of Echoes

Reflections of echoes heard faintly in whispers of wind,
being blown about in memories of the mind, causing the
images to be brought out in the open.

Activating The Light

Misty curtains of mystery are constantly being closed,
keeping openness and wonder from being noticed in the
individual lives of perspectives.

Too Many Not Interested

Adjusting life to get better results, attempting to find
answers with meaning and relevance, not just for self,
but for all of humanity.

Coyote's Prey

Circling life like a coyote after it's prey,
then playing with it, for that's part of the
fun of it.

Curiosity Keeps A Mind Open

Teaching from experience is a great tool to learn from,
learning from other people's mistakes keeps you from
making the same ones.

Glistening Appreciation

Listening to lights as they shine in the darkness,
watching as they touch and reflect off of shiny
objects all around.

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