RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Desert Beyond Comprehension

Walled behind thoughts of yesterday, gradually turning away
from past tears, an individual stands alone in the middle
of a desert sandstorm.

Reality Of Illusion

Heart-felt thoughts being touched by my mind, delving
into abysses and caverns, seeing everything lying there.
Being amazed at it's beauty that can't be seen unless
I express it in words.

Remembering The Past

Hemmed in by many thoughts and feelings of the past, each day lasts forever in my mind.
Wanting to erase or get rid of all the memories, I succeed only in getting trapped by them.
Wishing doesn't change a thing - nor does getting angry.
If nothing had ever been left to chance, many memories could remain sweet and undefiled.

A Back Corner

Looking into a back corner where a D.J. sits,
monitoring his karaoke machine.
Keeping songs in line to be sung by people
waiting for their turns.

Suicidal Mode Of Thought

Sounds of night, silent under the stars, afraid to speak
or move.

Frightened as a baby bird when falling from it's nest,

Surfing Over The Surface

Searching the world over, looking for love somewhere in this
universe, hopefully close to me somewhere.

Taking steps carefully into waves of ocean tides, placing my

Silently Communicating

Placid, joyless, sitting in a darkened gray morning,
having missed a phone call from my soul mate.

Wishing he'd call back and talk, nothing happening

Reaching And Grasping

Senses combining and blending with rhythms, enjoining
tabulations of mathematical equations, allowing this
mind to figure out many calculations sent into it's

Strange Gnawing

Silent, self-deprecating, feeling worthless, no reason to
be seen, just something from the past, a memory perhaps,
bringing feelings of loneliness.


Bluened sight interiorly grasping my moods
and turning me into myself.
Finding no where to go in this dismal life.

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