RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Expiration Date

Tripping through time,
getting caught in it's always
hurried expiration date.

Mind's Freezer

Frozen tears being stored in freezers of my mind,
lying there in the cold, watching my life being
lived without them actively involved right now.
Not stirring, letting the interior environment

Collating Benefits

Silently talking in another whisper of higher intellect,
collating the benefits of ancient history being

Blessed Voices

Talented people sitting around,
waiting their turns to sing songs
on an evening filled with karaoke.

A Show Off

Soaking in his own presence, singing a perfect song that
suits him to a tee.
'Perfect in every way', being sung as he draws everyone's
attention to himself.

Musical Rhetoric

Living on imagination, floating with billowy clouds
across the heavens, tantamount to miracles of young

Strengthening Character

Character being strengthened in moments of togetherness,
elated by happiness formed in friendships all around me.
Alone, in a crowd, writing solo emotions and thoughts
for posterity.

Enjoying Self

Nothing can keep me from writing, whether in ink or memory.
It's second nature to write whatever I think.
Not expressing myself vocally, never being famous, doesn't
matter - I write because poetry is fun for me.

Perfect Attitudes

Lifting eyes heavenward, reaching for the stars,
touching the universe instead.
Sating an appetite of innocent renderings on an
evening's journey, calculating adjustments of

Teenage Suicide

Archways of learning, covering years of experience and wisdom, folding in upon life and it's freedom.
Necessary evils of knowledge kill our desires, step on our curiosity and drown our wonder.
People seeking everlasting learning, never look to themselves, but are always yearning for what someone else may have.
Forgetting that in order to learn, we must live our lives in wonder and curiosity, knowledge is hurting our youth.

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