RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Positive Energy

A positive energy flow easing alongside,
attempting to coincide with who I am.
Neglecting to cast a glance aside,
continue writing words to music of Chopin

Seeing Sounds

Justifying interior possibilities, always recognizing
their abstract worthiness for future poems racing along
inside imagination.
Fully participating in a joy of petulant contrariness,

Being Made Homeless

Totally mangled by life's ingratitude, fluctuating on
whims of derisive folly.

Lacking fortitude, emptied of all dignity and self-


Never at a loss for words when writing,
deeply complacent for hours at a time.
Wonderful imagination digging freely
into every nook and cranny of creativity,

Years Pass Quickly

Years pass quickly, even though they seem to be standing still.
People live and die - we continue going our separate ways
on similar paths.
Life is spent daily - we never think of it that way.

St. Patrick's Day Music

Cowboy's Holiness

Cowboy's living on the range, riding and racing daylight
and dusk.
Herding their cattle, riding horses like they're a part -
an extension of themselves.

Meaningful Music

Gentle breezes brush my heart and soul,
soothing them with natural wonder and beauty.
Love emanating throughout the atmosphere,
rejuvenating hospice staff and volunteers.

Peace Filling Soul

Staring within, searching for patterns and images,
scanning many interior horizons with immeasurable
Listening to tunes sounded out by birds in trees,

Importance Of Grandma

Little Granddaughter, waiting patiently at home for
my arrival, so we can play Barbie's and have some
fun together, until her Daddy gets home from work.
Always a comfort to her, having Grandma beside her,

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