RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Clouds Of Grief's Mind

Many memories shine through the clouds of grief,
leading to recovery one day in the future.

For now, crying, sorrow, pain, are all culminating

Not Fitting In

Subjecting myself to outward appearances,
not fitting in with what others think I should be doing.

Taking Chances

A Materialistic World

Never before have there been so many options, choices, selections
in this world.

Too much of everything on hand, none of it much good, plastic,

Surprising Desires

Longings drenching me, wanting to be held lovingly,
penetratingly once again.

Desires running rampantly, taking me by surprise,

Process Of Creativity

Recreating images from inner memories, taking them through
a process of creativity that excites intellect intensely.

Forward moving, a lasting momentum, taking shape in a

Streets Of Tomorrow

Canceling out darkness, trying to crawl upon this mind,
not wanting to see or deal with it right at this moment,
preferring to see brightened sunlight standing at the
portals of intellect.

Hospice Volunteer Thank You

We prepare for life as children, life is so short, only moments

We stand on the edge clasping hands in friendship, doing for

Carrying On Existence

Signaling interior parts of this brain, releasing faith
and hope, enlivening spirits of innate and creative

An Adventure Of Our Lives

Remembering going on Route 66 on our way from New Jersey to
Arizona, sights I saw were astounding and memorable, still
being seen today on photographic screens in technicolor.

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