RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Peripheral Vision

Talking, moving, carrying on in a peripheral vision
as music takes me beyond what my eyes can see and
mind can grasp.
Catching sight of mountains in the distance,

Midst Of Grief

Woe is falling around like hail from a hailstorm,
hitting me squarely in the heart, not letting me
escape it's sorrowful grasp.

Holding An Experience

Strumming my mind like an acoustic guitar, hitting perfect pitches as I free fall from heights beyond earth's atmosphere.
Holding onto the experiences, recalling them when needed inside a poem.
Coasting like snow down the mountains, being pure and undefiled.
Feeling the scents of musical scores as they waft my way in melodies.

Designs Of Flight

Designs of flight pantomime what I'm thinking, helping me to soar to unknown heights.
Delving into clouds, filled with delta brain waves, exploring it's denizens through poetical episodes of music.
Alleviating any possibilities of existence turning it's back upon what reality has been refiguring.

A Caring Friend

Sadness has been eased a little tonight as I talked with a
friend for a few minutes on the phone.

It's amazing how a person's stress level can be lowered by

Waterfalls Of Words

Reverberating throughout the night in the cafe,
rocking me back and forth, sending me into a
whirlwind of music.
Playing inside my mind with an intellect of beauty,

Always Watching

Traveling down the road in a yellow cab, always watching,
seeing ten birds, all sitting on a telephone wire on the
side of the road.
Just chilling and passing the time away quietly, together.

Taking In Gardens

Slipping across heaven,
taking in it's gardens,
filled with beautiful
blue roses with scents

Focusing Talent

Exacting priceless melodies from an atmosphere of inner
beauty, showing them upon screens of imagination, watching
their auras begin and continue through colorful clouds of

Reticent To Let Go

Voices of the past singing through elderly women today,
glazing minds and memories with past joy.
Flowing easily over everyone, spreading cheer throughout
the room.

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