RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Childhood Messages

Swinging in a swing of childhood on Tullo Road,
thinking of my Dad and Mom in a childhood filled
with poverty, happiness and nature.
All-important messages in childhood growing up.

Leisure Time

Listening to life all around me, watching it's
liveliness and verve at times.
People associating with one another, going off
by themselves, doing various individual things

Maturing Time

Time is everlasting, waiting on sidelines as we wantonly pass
it by, taking no notice of our human clocks of birth racing
by with only a few pictures to remind us of it.

Interior Design

Retrieving memories, having them culminate in orbs of
pantomime, seeking rainbows to paste onto blank pages
of yesterday.
Searching tranquilly for inner peaceful knowledge,

People We Love And Admire

Thinking along lines of bereavement,
wondering why we have to suffer so much at
the loss of people whom we love and admire.
Tenderly holding their special talents and

Grief's Recovery

Listening to songs of yesterday being played live,
right before me in technicolor.

Pleasurable melody playing softly within my mind,

Looking Back At Life

Quietly interpreting life as it fills me with trials and suffering, yet managing to give me resolve, inspiration and hope in times of despondency.
Looking back, wondering where life has gone, it's passed so quickly I barely had time to catch my breath.
Sensing emotional upheaval when seeing others as they meet me in stride, gives me time to think and wonder why.
How are such diverse people, from opposite ends of the world, so knowledgeable about where we will all end up in the end.

Desert's Middle

In the middle of an inner desert, looking around, noticing
my total aloneness in this life.
Mountains all around that I have already climbed and
surmounted, because of my hopeful faith.

True Friendship

Talking to a friend, not hiding anything from him, caring
and loving, holding each other closely in our hearts, even
though miles apart, never having met before.


A small group of girls dressed up in their Brownie uniforms,
came hurrying around the corner.

Walking in twos carrying a box between them, their leader

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