RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Tracks Of Fate

Riding the train of life into future tracks of fate,
sensing derailments and crashes along the way.

Fading Dreams

Nearing an end to life, hopes and dreams fade away into
far distant memories.
Knowing now, that life is just what it is, brings a
finality to plans made when younger.

Ebony Twilight

Darkening lights, simmering in ebony twilight,
watching daylight disappear right before their

Exploring Nature

Children gathered in an automatic circle, looking down,
examining a baby cricket.
Exclaiming how little and cute it is - taking care and
finding food for it to eat.

Fanning Rhythms

Fanning rhythms in succession, giving them a breath of fresh air as they sing from a voice, sitting and enjoying karaoke night.
All eyes upon her, listening carefully, knowing that their turns will be coming up soon.

Inner Mysteries

Strings holding thoughts, tying them down to earth to keep them from floating away into depths of the universe or outer space.
Catching every phrase as it falls into my mind, illuminating the clues needed to explain the mysteries of an inner environment.

Giving Hope

Watching visions of yesterday progress in succession,
taking me along winding roads, over rough trails and
into ocean's depths where intellect abides, giving me
hope to keep moving forward.

Unalterable Destiny

Stretching upwards, touching feelings sitting alone, awaiting recognition from within.
Caressing a solo journey made through subconscious byways along life's unalterable destiny.
Finishing petals of grace, aligning themselves with a soulful beauty stemming from God's great mercy towards us, everlastingly.

Moving In Circles

Juggling time with momentary disillusionment as I uncertainly move in circles towards eternity.
Checking daily with schedules of interior peace as I travel along rose gardens of heaven.
Serenity encapsulating my being as I cross over into a future horizon beyond life.

Patsy Cline

Sensing someone beyond sight as a song is being sung from when she was still living on earth, herself.
Quiet intensity holding my mind as I remember the exacting perfect pitch she used to sing in.
A woman remaining in memory for being crazy loving you.

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