RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Life-Giving Rhythms

Soothing thoughts play around inside my mind,
touching and reaching heart and soul with
gentle life-giving rhythms.

Falling Into Knowledge

Reaching towards exhibits of interior dimensions,
hoping to blend them with what is already within.
Touching my soul with absolute silence and becoming
narrowed constantly as it fits quietly in spaces of

Running Errands

Totally exhausted, here I sit, wishing I were back in bed.
Going all over town, running errands has got me down.

Being Dangerous

Swiftly flowing thoughts,
riding ocean waves beyond life's boundaries.
Taking chances, being dangerous, just to feel
the excitement filling my being with feelings

Hiding Visions

Watching rain pour down in steady little fragile drops,
causing a mist to appear above the ground, blurring
every object in my sight with a gray haze, intent on
hiding visions from this poet's mind.

Lonely Songs

In the deep quiet of night, birds sing their lonely call.
Echoing about in midnight air, sending messages to all
who care.
Listening, silently, I hear loneliness ring out into the

Granddaughter's Innocence

Touching nature through musical memories,
watching my Granddaughter on the front
lawn as she happily waves her arms excitedly -
when she sees a butterfly flying around the

Shadows Of Nature

Shadows branching and crossing lawns of green,
mown down and looking neat and trim.

Glad are shadows, with freedom to crawl over

Nature's Innocence

Yellow blossoms popping out before my eyes,
brightly shining in my mind.

Promise Of Rain

Clouds crowding out blue sky,
heading to a destination no one
on earth can tell.

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