RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Steeped In Time

This night as others like it are overflowing with

Openly, this aching heart admits it's pain is heavy,

Black Roses

Dangling by many small threads, life in it's embroidered
lace gown sits delicately on a balance beam.

If a thread so much as blows a little to the left or right

Growing Shadows

Shadows lying over the pavement, trying to keep warm.

Growing larger, stretching out farther, trying to
cover more territory.

Jumping Out Of Context

Wanting to yell and scream, rant and rave - throw a temper
tantrum, instead, sitting here as if already interred within
my grave.

Sudden Quiet

Sudden death quietness descends upon earth, as the moon
throws a blanket over the sun to blot out the day.

Vocalizing sounds throughout the day, nature has now

Endless Volumes

Life grows endlessly in a dream, reality allows just one
moment at a time to be seen.

Incongruent demarcation is a constant revelation unseen

Missed Interview

Taking in stride, the appalling lack of coordination and
feelings of helplessness.

All the wonder and fun dispersed because of a lapse in

Elderly Gentlemen

Elderly frailty needing a rest, an elderly gentleman
sits on the edge of a potted tree.

Quietly talking, smiling, nodding, looking so cute

Editor Writer's Digest

Listening to an Editor from Writer's Digest, a boring
interlude, mind strays, eyes wander to the ceiling.

Glistening jewels hanging above, capturing my mind,


Comma. Comma. Comma.

Never begin a poem with a comma.

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