RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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More Than Poetry

Poetry is so much more than rhyming words and prose,
visions appear in poet's minds that can help humanity
in many ways.

Time Is Not Ours

Time is flowing ever onward, no one able to hurry or slow
it down, taking it's good old time as it always does, yet
we are going through our daily duties and tasks without
thinking about it.

Game Of Intellectual Chess

Standing on edges of oblivion, enjoying the view as it
touches me interiorly, awakening senses, rising deftly
into another dimension.

Heart Left At Your Headstone

Shining down upon an empty life, threads now broken,
lying lifeless on the dirt-hard ground looking up,
satisfied no more with living.

Dreams Are For Naught

Digging ever deeper into an interior spirituality, wanting to
be filled with the Divine bluened light, racing against time,
taking dreams into the twilight.

Catering To Senses

Strolling into the morning light, shadows following carfully,
making sure not to get stepped on, nature bowing down as I
walk by.

Trump For The U.S.A.

Standing behind the U.S.A., going against Obama and the U.N.,
globalists be damned! Never going to be a part of a one world
order filled with corrupt politicians already in office and
pushing for this horrendous dictatorship.

Light Of Poetry

Signals of twilight touch my heart and soul in the starlight,
tantalizing energy giving an intense and vibrant liveliness
throughout the night.

An Endless Eternity

Life has seen better days and some worse than others, yet we
continue to live until suddenly we are taken from it, hope-
fully we've fulfilled our purposes before leaving this temp-
orary world.

13th Dimension

Finding no place to hide when within poetical interludes,
all feelings and emotions being seen through poetry that
I constantly write.

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