RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Wanting Love In Return

Living in misery, lonely and forlorn, wanting to
love someone who will love me fully in return.

Hearts that fit together, beating in synch, living

Living For Your Heart

Longing for those yesterdays when we were so happy and
in love, life used to be so great when we were together.

Your love filling me so exclusively, nothing or no one

Becoming Mirror Reflections

Blueness of the skies falls gently into my heart when
you are not with me, my dear, wanting your hand in mine,
eyes looking deeply into each other's.

Quelling Jealousy

Living in a blissful state of love together with you,
knowing that you are jealous when another speaks to

Parlor Of Your Being

Carefree laughter when we're together calms my soul,
refreshing my mind totally through our love.

Sensuous and tempting, your being exudes a manliness

Our Hearts Say It All

Taking you wholly into my heart, there's nothing more
to say, our hearts say it all.

Minds close as ever, loving, touching interior desires,

Dreaming Of Your Magic

Taking chances, not letting restrictions or boundaries
stand in the way of our love.

Dreaming of your magic through the night, waking to it

Living A Blessed Life

Taking time to climb mountains within, rejoicing in
their height and beauty.

Loving the exhilaration as I scale canyon walls and

Living Inward

Being broken-hearted, saddened with your loss, turning
inward, not wanting to live this life anymore.

Attempting to regain some semblance of life, but it's

Not Accepting Time Limits

Rushing to meet deadlines that others have placed upon
my time, not wanting to accept their limits, being
annoyed with their coercion, trying to take up my time
with their agendas.

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