RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Mind Accepting All Ideas

Bouncing ideas leaving me breathless, filled with an
energy that doesn't seem to quit, always ready, never
having to wait for a moment even.

Peace Through Contemplation

Sleeping peacefully through the night, listening to
heavenly melodies that enchant my mind constantly.

Listening intently, finding peace and serenity fill-

Traces Of Poetry

Capturing tones from one ear to the other, hearing
them together and separately, loving rhythms as
they race back and forth through my mind.

Ancient Definitions

Discovering incessant meanings of my mind and intellect
through music and it's rhythms.

Following notes and tones up and down chords of time,

Defiant Memories

Whispers of pages tuning into memories so succinctly
and defiantly, wanting to be remembered entirely.

Haunting images touching my being bitter sweetly,

Knowing There's A Connection

Throughout life, finding no matter what you do,
nothing seems to change for the better except

Seeing Necessities Being Denied

Taking the bull by the horns and charging into depths of
another universe, totally excluding everything else for
the time being.

Sensing Everything

Strumming interior guitars with feelings of harmonic
silence and sadness, soaring into an interior universe
of my soul where I traveled when going to heaven.

Intellect Rising And Falling

A perfect melody being slid from one side of my brain to
the other musically, loving the intensity, pressure and
rapid beats as they entice and tantalize my brain.

Brighter Side Of Life

Silently enjoying this life I'm living interiorly, my
saving grace in a desolate and poverty-stricken life.

Always seeing the brighter side through nature, even

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