RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Traveling Light

Beckoning me to contribute a verse or two in poetical unison with a delicate melody, turning around in depths of my soul.
Whispering to no one, there's no one listening as life continues to move onward without a clue to where I may be going.
Traveling light, nothing dragging me down, free as an eagle, soaring high above all the danger and corruption of people everywhere on earth.

Future Beds

Relaxing on a front porch attached to a cabin at Camp
Tontozona, enjoying mountain and pine tree views.

Watching clouds, black and gray, huddle together above,

Beyond Time

Sadness creeps into our lives through back doors at times,
taking us by surprise, devastating our neat, tidy ideas of
what life should be like.

Touching Halos

Touching halos of angels in dreams, feeling their healing,
calming effects on tense bodies.

Sorting through mysteries, trying to always be near and

Mind Of Intensity

Reciting words in a sing-song manner, tripping along
rhythms path, filling interiorly with graceful melody
and serene discipline.

Future Meanings

Embellishing life fruitfully with exciting bylines of
ecstasy pulling me forward into melodies of rhythmic
Searching, traveling, picking up beautiful clues to

Retiring Music

Reality coercing music to strive for the night, exhausting
all endeavors to follow truths through moments against all

Early Morning Appreciation

Sliding Thought

Pain radiating through me, aching, dulling my brain,
taking me to thoughts I don't want right now.
Fizzling with disharmonious pain, creating instances of
adversity that I can't deal with now.

Beyond Meanings In Time

Strengthening ties of purpose, pulling them together
into bonds of iron, forever typing all of their
particles into one fortress.

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