RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Slicing Innate Puzzles Of The Mind

Insinuating self into many rhythmic patterns that
become cherished in this poet's heart through all
of life itself.

Replicating Inventions

Watching rockets take off, soaring into other universes
that hold so many methods and ideas on how to invent
things that are needed.

Replicating Energy

Drummer totally getting into the energy of beats
and rhythms as he plays intently, guitars joining
in, replicating energy that he's playing with now.

Intriguing Measures

Rhyming and listening to music, having a really
great time, being energized in rhythms, letting
them flow into beautiful measures alone.

Containing Unfolding Mysteries

Tempos being beat on drums, lifting minds higher than
before, strumming guitars, making tantalizing music
that carries this poet away.

Listening To Ocean Waves

Lazily wading in water along the shore, listening to
natural rhythms being elicited from waves crashing
onto the sand.

Creating Portraits Of Life

Locating spheres of memories in a photographic
memory that sweeps this mind into a beautiful
landscape, creating portraits of life.

Canopy Of Pine Trees

Reaching closely inside, hoping for music to be divulged
for each and every poem that's been written through the

Eliciting A Perfect Truth

Kneeling in prayer every day, thanking God for His love
and mercy towards this mere poet, always feeling safe
and protected no matter where in the world.

Hidden Messages In Basics Of Life

Appealing to this mere poet are musical rhythms that
are sequenced in measures of rhythms as they bring
many thoughts to mind.

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