RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Heart Left At Your Headstone

Shining down upon an empty life, threads now broken,
lying lifeless on the dirt-hard ground looking up,
satisfied no more with living.

An Endless Eternity

Life has seen better days and some worse than others, yet we
continue to live until suddenly we are taken from it, hope-
fully we've fulfilled our purposes before leaving this temp-
orary world.

Time Is Not Ours

Time is flowing ever onward, no one able to hurry or slow
it down, taking it's good old time as it always does, yet
we are going through our daily duties and tasks without
thinking about it.

Beginning Depths

Watching clouds being darkened in shadows, penetrating the sky
where the sun is now setting, saying good night to everyone
on earth.

Working For Very Little

Cities awakened with the hustle and bustle of people getting
ready and going to work, roads and freeways clogged with
traffic, barely moving forward some mornings.

Gentle Breezes Blowing

Entering gates of imagination, inventing and creating
beginning instantaneously, walking through forests,
across deserts, up and down mountains and ravines.

Nothing Left

This heart and spirit have been broken to bits, beyond
repair, there's no way to salvage any of the pieces, I
just don't care anymore.

Older Musicians

A slow country music band playing tonight, this mere poet hoping and praying for them to speed up for a while.

This mind and intellect being bored with slow-moving rhythms, they're okay, but this poet prefers faster rhythms all the time.

13th Dimension

Finding no place to hide when within poetical interludes,
all feelings and emotions being seen through poetry that
I constantly write.

Soul Of A Woman

Tears finding their way out of a heart that's been broken and torn apart by abuse, never thinking there were men so cruel and mean to every woman they meet.

Taking their anger and insecurity out on a woman with a kind and compassionate heart, never hurting another soul, wanting nothing in this earthly world.

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