RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sleeping In Fantasy

Gently rocking, tucking in thoughts, sweet dreams soon
to be forthcoming, silent and peaceful, life settleing
into it's depths.

Watching, Waiting

Steadily beating, rhythms of my heart keeping me going
throughout life, musically silencing doubts and fears
lying about.

Delicate Blanket

Waiting, sitting here knowing the sun will come up
brighter than ever because the promise of every-
thing is coming closer to fruition.

Realizing I Am Nothing

Life being mystically changed somehow from within my soul,
timid, shy, looking about, learning wisdom of the ages in-
nately, using it's truths to enlighten others.

Lone Little Life

Leaving self behind, delving into depths of being, finding
a spiritual side of life living brightly and vividly with-
in me.

Listening To Blood Flowing

Listening to my blood flowing through my heart, sounds
of it's life beating steadily, touching every organ in
my body, keeping them vibrant and alive.

Silently Traveling

Mind open, aware, alert, watching beckoning thoughts line
up, taking journeys through intellect and enjoying the ex-

Habit Of Chance

Chances have a habit of appearing suddenly before us and
just as quickly disappearing before we get an opportunity
to take them.

Promise Of Better Days

Skies filled with the love of humanity, looking down upon
it, watching evil traipsing across it's surface, hoping
it can be conquered before it completely takes over.

Dwelling Interiorly

Listening to the quiet silence of an interior life where
I dwell most times in the serenity of it's complete and
total peace.

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