RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Humanity Feeling Progress

Stopping short, tired of racing in the rat race of humanity,
wanting to slow down in the serenity of writing poetry, com-
posing music and painting.

Wondering How

Looking above into a starlit night, twinkling of the stars
matching the beauty of heaven here on earth.

Wondering how in the world God could have created such a

Destiny Leading Us

Life takes many twists and turns, has pitfalls of diversity and
mountains to climb in order to attain what we want in life, yet
not everyone achieves their wishes or goals.

Joyful Moods

Loving this way of listening to music and rhythms, sitting here
at the Wagon Yard with our friends, singing karaoke tonight.

Excellent singers, all of them creating joyful moods, taking

Mind Overflowing

Centering, focusing in the midst of rhythms, mind overflowing with
soothing thoughts, intellect collecting all these memories into a
photographic memory album.

Riding Waves Of Music

Riding waves of music, captivating attention religiously, never
seeming to let go throughout life.

Climbing mountains and their rhythms, going through deserts in

Enjoying Good Times

Loving, holding one another, wanting to be together through every
moment of life, enjoying the good times with one another.

Coming closer when going through grief, sadness, and loss of family

Listening To Echoes Of Yesterday

Listening to echoes of yesterday, wondering how they've sur-
vived all these years, stepping through passages of time,
taking pleasure in the little things in life.

Taking Time, Moving Slowly

Moving slowly like a wagon wheel of old, taking time to enjoy
achievements and accomplishments that meant so much when we
were younger.

Angelic Thoughts

Soaring into the atmosphere with angelic thoughts and spiritual
prayers of enlightenment that tend to raise spirits of our souls.

When life becomes too much to handle, thoughts diminishing in

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