RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Hiding Moon

Half a moon hiding quietly in the sky, timidly peeking out
at earth's nighttime dream.

Quietly thinking of the new day's birth, counting the few

Feeling Vibrancy

Looking up, seeing everything new, alive, shiny, feeling the
vibrancy touching my soul, lifting my eyes higher, setting
sights on God, my Father.

Slow Understanding

In the evening of my life, I wait patiently, looking
forward to the times I may see you with my heart.

Sensing your wisdom slowly, over the years coming to

Wanting To Be Reckless

Noises deep within are begging to be let loose so they can
fly away.

Strangling on their chokened dust, raw beneath their throats,

Flapping Wings

Patiently waiting for a turn to speak, looking out the window
and watching birds sneak through the sky, flapping their wings
in rhythm to keep their bodies flying in the air.

Father C.

Sitting straightly in his chair, Father reads about the history
of the creed, studiously learning all he does not know for a presentation he will soon be giving.

Nervously, under a lot of pressure, he fidgets while he reads,

Another Ending

Nighttime lightening into dark, bringing dusk's shade
down upon my brow.

Expectantly waiting for something to happen, in silence

Turning Into The Present

Clouds piled thick in my mind, floating lightly over thoughts
which are tucked safely inside.

Waiting patiently in the lobby of distant ideas, time creeping

Symbols Etched In Heaven

Mountains sitting in snow covered cold, praying, rock
fingers clasped tightly together, symbols of God's holy
word, etched forever in heaven.

Clay Character

Blinding anger brushed aside, given no importance to,
feelings pent up with no where else to go, turn in
and find a place to hide.

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