RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Moon Shyly Watching

Moonlight shining shyly down upon earth, knowing there are lovers
walking along the shore, holding hands, kissing, hugging, hoping
to make love when arriving home for the night.

Pieces Of Hearts

Pieces of many hearts are strewn throughout this life, unable to
be picked up and put back together, for many times it's been death
that has caused this chaos in people's lives.

Enjoying Measures Of Life

Rhythms pounding incessantly in minds of creative and musical
intellectuals, enjoying measures of life with absolute joy and

Living In The Mystique

Staying within measures and chords of tomorrow's future, taking
rhythms into their souls absolutely, reaching forward and loving
the atmospheres of inner dimensions.

Remembering When Young

Remembering when we were young and in love, it was so pure and
innocent, we were seeing no one except each other, our eyes
being made for one another and held together unconditionally.

Lively Atmosphere

Rocking and rolling, having fun, enjoying this atmosphere of
lively entertainment, everything melting away in the fascina-
tion of a good time being had by all of us here.

Life Spent In Shadows

Life being spent in shadows, ghosts of yesterday peeking out at
times, keeping memories closely cherished.

Reviewing the past in depths of self-realization, hoping to stay

Wonders Of Twilight

Fires of passion lit, like blazing forest fires that can never be
put out when you are close to me, giving this heart joy and sheer

Desert Sands Of Peace

Cowboys riding into the hot arid Arizona sunshine, ten gallon hats
shielding them from the burning rays of sun, sweat flowing from
their foreheads, getting into their eyes, stinging them.

A Guiding Light

Wanting to always be there with you my love, thinking of you even
when we're not together, feeling your presence in spirit.

Our love, a guiding light in life, keeping us focused and together

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