RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Posing Questios

Standing here always looking at the environment,
figuring out what it is that's not being seen at
the time.

Energetic Rhythms

Bouncing to energetic rhythms, recalling younger days
of continuous dancing for pleasure.

Taking time into every pastime, feeling the significance

Inner Eyes

Eyes looking inward, as nature touches my soul from
without, soothes this being living in a troubled world.

Taking time to look up, noticing branches of trees,

Quiet Aptitude

Serenely gathering thoughts like a tree growing moss,
around it, taking in all thoughts, images, ideas and
novel inventions made up at this very moment.

Feeling Poetry

Today being overwhelmed with feelings of joy and peace,
not being able to fully describe them in poetry.

Doing my best, will keep on writing and maybe someone

Delicate Sonatas

Nature waving it's frond hands,
whispering through leaves,
touching branches.

Unseen Relics

Riding down thruways, searching for details
or relics of history.

Changing shores, falling mountains, rivers

A Lone Soul

Lights penetrating darkness of
a lone soul.

Pushing it about, waking it up,

Eating At Blimpie's

Sitting in Blimpie's, eating a favorite tuna
fish sub for lunch today.

It serves to satisfy my palate completely as

Quality Of Life Unsettled

Quality of life lies unsettled on edges of our horizons,
teetering with each new source of terror, yet balanced
and focused even though somewhat fearful at times.

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