RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Disgusting And Barbaric

Seeing a picture of our President, head decapitated and held in a
comediennes hands, with blood all over, thinking it was funny, she
is mentally depraved.

World Mess

Looking about, curious as to what is going on in the world,
wondering at the mess world governments have made of each
of our countries.

Melodies Of Time

Listening to melodies of time, nostalgic and at times saddened
from the past through loss and grief, yet somehow, they soothe
precious feelings of love holding onto me.

People Of India

Walking quickly down dirt paths alone, wanting to be away from
everyone, not knowing exactly where I was going, enjoying the
scenery and landscape totally.

Wanting To Just Let Go

Looking out blue saddened eyes through windows open
to nature just outside, awaiting our presence to
come join in with soft gentle breezes.

Dreams Hanging Onto Reality

Watch out, here comes instant challenges and daring of a
bison, bulls and bucking horses as they perform in a rodeo
in back of Outlaws, the best bucking bar in the west.

Song Of Failure To Love

Listening to a song about failure of a man who left the love
of his wife because he wanted another.

A heart broken and torn apart with selfishness and lust, his

Enriching A Poetical Personality

Silence being a gift from heaven above, being attuned
to this mind while writing, a delightful pleasure that
never fades.

Horizons Of Beauty

Satin and sleek memories slide back and forth,
forming patterns of exact mathematical precision
and timeless efforts of thought.
Living on in memory, lives are always held closely

Seeing Parental Love

Running through meadows of my mind, enjoying their
scents, sounds and images as I walk along pathways
of past innocence.
Recognizing landmarks as I pass by, remembering

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