RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Silent Lesson

Lighting up gardens of roses, shining on their petals,
letting them be seen by passers-by.

Beautiful and extravagant, sitting prettily upon thorny

Knowing Unrealistically

Writing in an expectation of finding answers to cure
curiosity, knowing that it cannot ever happen in this

Borderless Thought

Forging into life boundaries, attempting to expand
and leave them far behind.

Inventing borderless thought with no limits reigning

Being Enchanted

Solidifying nature within, while watching gentle
breezes blowing vegetation and trees wildly about
in an early afternoon sun.

An Inspirational Devotion

Lightly and unhesitantly, discovering an immense beauty
of everything in life.

Responding to details that are seen constantly and un-

Pure Understanding

Significant purposes in life tend to help others, there
is an inherent unselfishness in it.

Wanting to initiate this type of environment throughout

Technology's Torch

Visions dancing through this mind, giving concepts for
innate ideas that continually pop into mind.

Ingenuity and purpose enlivens the light lit from with-

Modern Technolgy's Torch

Visions dancing through this mind, giving concepts for
innate ideas that continually pop into mind, ingenuity
and purpose enlivening light lit from within this being.

Growing Responsible

Insinuating concepts of life in steps of growing into
adulthood, taking on characteristics of maturity.

Evening out edges of adolescence throughout teenage

Timely Certainty

Lively and expectant, listening to beautiful chords
of life, being energized by sounds issued forth.

Mind wandering into distant desert plains, watching

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