RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Completing Sentences

Settling into a scheme of poetry, listening
to everything going on around me, yet not
participating in any way, because I'm busy


Soaring into the tops of trees, sitting there,
looking down and writing whatever I see.
Fantasizing of different avenues taking me
eventually into the most interesting places.

Becoming The Spirit

Listening, enthralled with the sound of Gaul's guitar.
Placing me mystically into another atmosphere.
A totally beautiful ninth dimension, where life is
lived in easier and simpler intellectual promises.

Sequence Of Events

Riding the waves of rhythm into desert shores,
traipsing through it's beautiful scenery.
Feeling the needles of cacti touching and
opening my mind, expressing everything in

Being Entranced

Strutting to the music of my soul, feeling the beats
as they hit me from all directions and areas.
Calmly delving into rhythms, covering me with their
colorful hues and magic sensations, taking me up and

Learning An Understanding

Touching my soul, wrecking havoc with emotions,
setting me up in a variety of circumstances.
All of them entirely good, some amusing.
Tending to everything I can while learning an

Not Wanting To Leave

Cha cha-ing around the floor, bouncing merrily with
one another.

Unfolding Designs Of Self

Syncopating entirely inside my mind, not letting
anything interfere with thinking.
Accepting the rhythms as they fall into line,
waiting to be expressed in rhymes.

Blossoms Of Interest

Magically, patterns appear in every repertoire
of music being played in single file before me.
Wanting the pleasures of life, opening to their
blossoms of interest and definition, no less

Listening To Passion

Quietly listening to the passion of an entire lifetime,
keeping it closely in check and safe at all times.
Nowhere passages of time, always being collected in
pieces of literature, being arrayed in fashionable

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