RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Completely Finished

Saxophone tending to notes, gently reaching into this
mind, giving feelings of peace and serenity.

Nothing keeping me from stepping into other dimensions

Velvet Voice

Rocking away with Bruce Springsteen, loving his poetical
lyrics and fantastic music.

Always an inspiration, coming from his intense rhythms

Winds Of Freedom

Flying through skies, destinations unknown, traveling
on winds of freedom.

Totally absorbed in heaven's guiding ways, life unfolds

One Little Question Of A Child

Looking around earth, seeing innocent little children,
alive, vibrant and curious about everything that they

Sincerity Of Loss

Tears falling as a sad song is being played, strumming a
guitar and singing words of a lost love.

Being heartfelt, touched by the sincerity of a great loss,

Looking Forward To Death

Recognizing prospects of death as he lays his cards on
the table before me.

Knowing that he's going to take me in my sleep, no pain,

Age Of Reason

Is this the age of reason or illogical lies and evil?

There seems to be no reasons for people to be racists,
prejudiced or hating others, it makes no sense in this

Pearls In Memories

Finding ourselves in the dead of night, wondering what
has awakened us, unable to find any reasons, logical or
otherwise to end the dilemma.

Bubbling Over

Priming life after hours, listening to a final
song of the night at Buddy Stubbs.

Fantastic, bubbling over with total excitement,

Map Of Destiny's Pages

Life is filled with wonder and awe, giving us a map
to follow through destiny's pages.

Moving forward, taking steps into the future, heart

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