RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Everlasting Knowledge Forming

Sailing the world over in depths of imagination and fantasy,
grasping details from all aspects of life and death, search-
ing for answers and formulas to expand some of them.

Solitude Of The Supreme Being

Being absorbed by a bluened light into contemplation where all is
peaceful and serene, nothing to taint nor mar the Divine abiding
quietly within.

Interior Celebration

Every note touching this spirit, soul being gratified by it's
wonder and awe, an interior celebration of imagination and
reality centered within a bluened light of the Divine.

Wonder And Awe Meeting

Movement and reflections changing the disposition of thoughts
through music, blending them into one substance, slowly at
first, then traveling faster and faster.

Intimate Rendevous

Majestic, mysterious and made for an intimate rendezvous with
musical rhythms, touching our nature and spirituality, holding
out future destinies close together.

Beyond This Horizon

Tired, looking forward to another life beyond this earthly
horizon, one where we can be free of hardship, sacrifice,
death, loss and disappointment.

Standing On Edges Of Destiny

Standing on edges of destiny, hoping to fulfill it and it's
purpose in this earthly life, doing everything possible
while living an existence on earth.

Roses Blossoming Like Wildflowers

Softly like petals of a rose falling gently upon the ground,
touching intellect with their delicate aroma, enticing mind
and heart with an infinite energy from within a bluened light.

Collection Expression Of Life

Multiplying the wonder and awe of an interior energy emanating
from within spirituality, surrounding this entire being and

Bringing The Divine To The Surface

Nature all around, touching heart, mind and intellect with a
spiritual enlightenment that brings the Divine to the surface
of the mind.

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