RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Forever Watching Pictures Of Thoughts

Taking everything in stride, not feeling any different,
just being myself and writing.

Loving details being given to me from interior photo-

Making The Best Of What You Receive

Life is surreal at times, like a painting that
I am looking at in the back of my mind.

Mirroring life in reflections of memories gives

Watching Past Videos

Memories tempting me with fun and good times of

Loving to go back and watch myself as a child,

Surprised By Ingenuity

Recognizing patterns and designs as they are pulled
into my mind by intellect, showing me ways in which
to improve and develop them for future use.

Time Takes Us Away

What else can we do in life, but live it to the
fullest, not letting strife and suffering get
us down, even the worst scenarios are experienced
and gotten through eventually.

Simple Complexities

Sitting here pondering life and it's simple
complexities that we live through.

Emotions and feelings are not simple, they

Thinking Quietly Within

Secure in the familiarity of our surroundings we
feel at home, peaceful, contented, looking within
for answers to questions that keep popping up.

Behind Curtains Of Pain

Hiding behind curtains of pain, studying effects
it has on our beings.

Nothing to be done to sooth it entirely so we do

Locating Peacefulness

Listening to an interior contemplation as I write
through it's bluened atmosphere.

Finding explicit themes to write about, watching

Tainted By Passing Years

Standing in hallways of yesterday, looking
at all images and pictures of the past, now
yellowed with age.

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